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What is PlanetSide 2?
PlanetSide 2, sequel to SOE's 2003 mutliplayer hit, is an upcoming MMOFPS promising large-scale first-person combat, exciting vehicular warfare and epic territorial battles.
The game was officially unveiled on the 7th July 2011 at the Sony Fan Faire in Las Vegas. However, trickles of information about the game have been coming through for some time.
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Release date and pricing
No release date has been confirmed. Pricing is still unknown, although Smedley has hinted that there will be free elements to the game.
PlanetSide 2 will be the first game to use the new ForgeLight engine made by SOE.
System Specifications
There is currently no minimum or recommended system specifications for the game, however during the SOE Fan Faire Smedly commented the new engine ForgeLight has been designed to scale from 5 year old PCs to modern day, indicating that Planetside 2 will be accessible for a wide range of PC hardware.
The sheer scale of PlanetSide battles is its greatest strength. No definite word on player numbers yet, but during the Fan Faire it was confirmed that they're hoping for "thousands" of players. It is unclear whether this means on a single continent.