Welcome to the PlanetSide 2 wiki! Here we hope to aggregate all the information gleaned from the Web about the upcoming MMOFPS sequel from Sony Online Entertainment.
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Latest News
PS2Wiki at PlanetSide Universe
05 Sep 2012 19:40
PlanetSide Universe, the top destination for Planetside fans on the Web, is host to the most detailed and up-to-date PS2 resource on the net. The PSU wiki is full of all sorts of information and is growing every day.
Check it out:
From now on I will be contributing and administering their wiki and discontinuing work here. The domain www.planetside2wiki.com will soon be redirected to PSU.
This wiki can still be accessed with http://planetside2.wikidot.com
Live Interview with Matt Higby
10 May 2012 19:02
FPS Guru are hosting a live interview with every PlanetSide fan's favourite man crush. Be sure to check it out this Friday at 23:00 BST (15:00 PDT)
Developer Spotlight: Kevin Moyer
11 Apr 2012 00:11
A new Developer Spotlight has been posted on the official PlanetSide 2 site. Kevin Moyer talks about his work on the team and how the game's impressive vehicles have taken shape.
Time-Lapse Video: NC Sniper Scope
04 Apr 2012 20:28
A new time-lapse video, this time showing the process of creating a new sniper scope for the NC, has been posted on Youtube:
Beta signups open NOW
22 Dec 2011 09:06
The official PlanetSide 2 website has been relaunched complete with the festive bombshell - beta signups!
Head over there right now and log in with your Station account to register your interest.
There's no word on when the beta will open however we're not expecting it any time soon.
NC Empire details, video released
12 Nov 2011 21:05
Following on from the Terran Republic's empire brief last month, attention has now turned to the New Conglomerate. Head over to the offical PlanetSide 2 Website for all the juicy details.
There has been plenty of activity on the social networks too. The official Facebook page has plenty of screenshots for your consumption and, if you're into the whole Twitter thing, you can follow @mhigby and @PS_TRay.
There's also a new Empire Design video, all about the NC. Enjoy!
Mossie, Reaver and Vacuum Cleaner are Empire-Specific
28 Sep 2011 23:22
Over on the rich informational gold mines of the PlanetSide Universe Forums, SOE Creative Director Matt Higby has confirmed some interesting speculation surrounding the Mossie and Reaver, and announced a new air vehicle in the process.
It seems each empire will have their own unique air fighter. The Mossie is now a TR vehicle, the NC have the Reaver. The VS will have a new fighter called the Dyson, although that name is subject to change.
They will all handle and behave slightly differently, but as is becoming clear, players will have a lot of flexibility in the game to customise vehicles to their exactly liking.
Read all about it here:
Official PlanetSide 2 Webcast
14 Sep 2011 18:44
SOE have announced on their forum that they will be conducting the "first ever PlanetSide 2 Webcast" via Stickam on Thursday 15th September. It will start at 23:00 UTC (Midnight BST, 16:00 US Pacific).
The webcast will be hosted at http://www.stickam.com/sonyonline
Matt Higby Introduces Comm-Link
14 Sep 2011 17:29
The official PlanetSide 2 website has posted a new feature it's calling Comm-Link. Creative Director Matt Higby talks about how development is going, their design goals, and introduces members of the development team.
Be sure to check it out. There are new as-yet-unseen screenshots to dribble over as well!
Matt Higby Interviewed by Rock, Paper, Shotgun
09 Sep 2011 18:49
The venerable gentlemen over at RPS have stolen a bit of Matt Higby's time and have used it wisely.
Some juicy details buried in this lot. A MAX unit with Anti Air on one arm and Anti Infantry on the other? Yeah, go on then.
We've added tonnes of new information to the Wiki too so be sure to look around.